Donor Privacy Policy

At LA Opera, we take your privacy seriously and will never sell or trade donor information to any third party. We do share information with third party service providers, agents or independent contractors who help us maintain our services and provide other administrative services to us. If you make a donation online, you provide your information to third parties, such as Classy, who processes donations on our behalf.  

Otherwise, data regarding donors, including contact information such as email, phone numbers and physical addresses, is not shared without your permission or unless ordered to do so by a court of law. We do not send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. We often publicly recognize donors for their generosity, but this will only be done with your approval and consent.   

For our full privacy policy, please click here.

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Have questions? To learn more about how you can support LA Opera, please contact our team at 213.972.7277 or .