LA Opera Chorus

The LA Opera Chorus, under the guidance of Chorus Director Jeremy Frank, plays an integral role in the artistic excellence of the company.

chorus singers on stage

Composed of up to 80 singers, the chorus maintains a core group of 42 with additions as needed depending on the requirements of each opera. These dedicated artists are part of the very essence of LA Opera. In fact, several current singers have performed with the LA Opera Chorus since the company's earliest seasons.

Christina Borgioli, Lisa Crave, Ayana Haviv, Terri Hill, Stephanie Jones, Elizabeth Lee, Lori Stinson, Courtney Taylor, Sunjoo Yeo

Elizabeth Anderson, Natalie Beck, Danielle Bond, Aleta Braxton, Sara Campbell, Veronica Christenson, Kelly Krantz, Adriana Manfredi, Bonnie Snell Schindler, Melissa Treinkman, Jennifer Wallace

Daniel Babcock, James Callon, Christopher Craig, Omar Crook, Adam Faruqi, Sung Bong Kim, Charles Lane, JJ Lopez, Francis Lucaric, Sal Malaki, Todd Strange, Daniel Suk

Mark Beasom, Reid Bruton, Abdiel Gonzalez, Mark Kelley, David Kress, E. Scott Levin, Gabriel Manro, Steven Pence, James Martin Schaefer

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