Show artwork for Open Door Days

Open Door Days Open Door Days

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Ready to explore the opera house and learn what it takes to be a great opera audience? The "doors" are open.

Take a guided virtual tour of the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Then enjoy a magical opera performance that’s written just for you, featuring selections from operatic favorites such as Pagliacci, Carmen, La BohèmeThe Magic Flute, and The Girl of the Golden West.

This program is made possible in part by a grant from the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs.

Chamberlin Jamie 880x880 Abdiel Gonzalez 880 Faatoalia Ashley 880x880 Tadmor Tali 880x880

Cast and Creative Team

Jamie Chamberlin
Ashley Faatoalia
Abdiel Gonzalez
Tali Tadmor
Stage Director
Eli Villanueva
Artwork for Open Door Days
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